Catastrophe in Context: a Teach-In on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Beyond - By The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Streaming live to the BISR public Facebook page, the teach-in will feature faculty K. Soraya Batmanghelichi, Anthony Alessandrini, Max Ajl, Ajay Singh Chaudhary, R.H. Lossin, Nafis Hasan, Audrey Nicolaides, Alírio Karina, and Barnaby Raine. We will be teaching from specific texts, which viewers can access and read in advance by RSVPing below. The event is free to attend, and can be viewed regardless of whether one has a Facebook account (and we encourage attendees to submit questions and comments in the comment section).

Crisis and Struggle in Sri Lanka: One Year On
Roundtable on the current crisis in Sri Lanka.