Empire and its Enemies: A Conversation with Priyamvada Gopal
For Jamhoor’s 2022 annual special issue on Imperialism in South Asia, we interviewed Priyamvada Gopal, renowned scholar on race, colonialism and imperialism.
“Strikes Are Normal Growing up”: Plantation Politics in Sri Lanka
An interview with Menaha Kandaswamy, former General Secretary of the Ceylon Plantation Workers’ Union.
Itineraries of Insurgency in Rural India
Sara Abraham speaks to veteran Odia activist and author Ranjana Padhi.
Labour in Karachi’s Fast Fashion Industry
Fawad Hasan interviews labour organizer Yaseen Jhullan on the issues and demands of garment workers in Karachi.
Caste, Race & the Left in Post-War Britain
An interview with a Dalit leader of the Indian Workers’ Association (IWA) on casteism and racism in post-war Britain, Black-Dalit solidarity, and reconciling Ambedkar and Marx via Mao.
The Indian Farmers’ Protest
Oats for Breakfast and Jamhoor in converation with Professor Navyug Gill on the ongoing farmers’ protests in India.
Life and politics in South Asia (Part 2)
In the second part of our collaborative discussion with Oats for Breakfast, we chat about some of the protest movements currently active in India and Pakistan, repression in Kashmir, and class struggle in South Asia.
Life and politics in South Asia (Part 1)
Oats for Breakfast, in collaboration with Jamhoor, hosts a discussion about South Asia. We chat about Hindutva and the closing off of space for dissent in India and Pakistan.
The Khalistan Question: An Interview with Pritam Singh
An interview with Pritam Singh on the demand for Khalistan.
Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement: Challenging the "War on Terror"
An interview with Ismat Shahjahan on the origins, aims, and trajectories of PTM.
The Politics of Life Itself
An interview with Professor Mohamad Junaid on the current lockdown in Kashmir.
Theorizing Pakistan in Diaspora: The Pakistan Forum
An interview with Mohammad Qadeer, former Associate Editor of Pakistan Forum (1970-73)