From the Barrel of a Gun? Maoist Debates in Pakistan
The Mazdoor Kisan Party’s debate on armed struggle and electoral politics as political strategies
Analyzing Pakistan’s Government Spending
How budgets constrain inclusive development in South Asia.
The Stubborn Hope for Peace at the Pashtun National Jirga
A report from the 2024 Pashtun National Jirga.
People’s Media Against Monopoly Capital: A Conversation with P. Sainath
On fighting corporate media with journalism from below.
The Colonial Roots of Sri Lanka’s Tax Regime
Interrogating colonial and neoliberal fiscal policy to chart a path out of underdevelopment.
Class Collision in India’s Automotive Industry
“Japanese Management, Indian Resistance” recounts the battle of Indian automotive workers against a coterie of partisans to capital — from management and police to the judiciary and political elites.
200 Years of Malaiyaha Tamil Labour in Sri Lanka
A brief history of 200 years of involuntary migration, imposed statelessness, exploitation and marginalization of Upcountry or Malaiyaha Tamil tea plantation workers.
Sri Lanka’s Care Crisis
Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has quietly devastated the lives of children, the disabled, the elderly, and their caretakers.
“Remember the Dead, Fight For the Living”
Interview with labour activist Taslima Akhter on garment workers’ struggles in ten years since the Rana Plaza tragedy.
COVID-19 Exposes Faultlines in Sri Lanka’s Apparels Sector
The global pandemic and the national debt crisis collided to expose the claims of ethical garment production in Sri Lanka.
Domestic Defiance: On Pakistan’s First Trade Union Federation for Home-Based Workers
A conversation with Zehra Khan, a trade unionist and founder of Pakistan’s first trade union for home-based women workers.
Labour Qaumi Movement: Organizing at the Margins of the 21st Century Workforce
Tracing the evolution of one of Pakistan’s most successful textile labour unions through radical action against the united onslaught of state and capital.