Siraj Sikder: A Legacy of Freedom
Siraj Sikder and Sarbahara Party’s violent yet emancipatory struggles hold key lessons for Bangladesh and its post-authoritarian future.
The Prisoners in Bangladesh’s Backyard
The Rohingya will be the litmus test for a “new” Bangladesh’s progressive ideals.
The Spectres Haunting Bangladesh
Echoes of past anti-authoritarian uprisings reverberate within anti-quota protests.
“I am a tea worker and I have the right to speak”
Interview with Khairun Akhtar, a rank-and-file tea worker, on the conditions that led to the unprecedented wildcat strike in August 2022 across tea plantations in Bangladesh.
“Remember the Dead, Fight For the Living”
Interview with labour activist Taslima Akhter on garment workers’ struggles in ten years since the Rana Plaza tragedy.
Crisis of Identity, Consolidation of Power
The continuing Muslim vs Bengali identity crisis has paved the way for an authoritarian regime in Bangladesh.
Testing Transnational Labour Solidarity in the Laboratory of Bangladesh
To challenge supply chain capitalism meaningfully, we must first recognize and dismantle inherent hierarchies in transnational labour solidarity movements.
Bangladesh: The Next Frontier
With the climate crisis looming large on the horizon, Bangladesh must confront imperialist powers, old and new, to ensure its survival.
The Caricatured Bengali & the Pakistan Army
A look at the racist beliefs about Bengalis peddled privately and publicly by Pakistani military officials in the lead up to 1971.
Cyclone Bhola: The Disaster That Re-Made South Asia
The cyclone in 1970, though not always recognized, was instrumental in the independence of Bangladesh.
Is a Left-Wing Nationalism Possible in Bangladesh?
The 2013 Shahbagh movement offers a critical context for reading the contested histories, paradoxes, and possibilities of left-wing nationalism in Bangladesh's semi-centennial year.