Anti-Colonial Violence in the 1921 Malabar Rebellion
As the current Hindu right-wing regime continues to perpetuate the century-old colonial stigmatization of a Muslim peasantry led anti-colonial rebellion in British India, a historical communist recuperation of the movement and its legacies is warranted
The Colonial Roots of Sri Lanka’s Tax Regime
Interrogating colonial and neoliberal fiscal policy to chart a path out of underdevelopment.
200 Years of Malaiyaha Tamil Labour in Sri Lanka
A brief history of 200 years of involuntary migration, imposed statelessness, exploitation and marginalization of Upcountry or Malaiyaha Tamil tea plantation workers.
The Afghan Question and the Contradictions of Pakistani Identity
Recent deportations of Afghan refugees reveal the historical contradictions of citizenship and national identity in Pakistan.
مزاحمت کا ایک لازوال کردار: نامور محقق اور تاریخ نویس گل حسن کلمتی
ل حسن کلمتی ۲۰۲۳۔۱۹۵۷ نے اپنی زندگی سندھ کی دھرتی اور اس کے باسیوں کے لئے وقف کر کے عوام دوست علم و فکر اور سیاسی جدوجہد کی عظیم میراث قائم کی
A Life of Resistance: Activist-Historian Gul Hassan Kalmati
Gul Hassan Kalamati (1957-2023) leaves behind a formidable legacy of public scholarship and political struggle for the people, ecologies, and indigenous communities of Sindh
Colonial Legacies and Fascist Tendencies: Housing Segregation in the Indian City
How colonial-era regulations created and maintained caste and religious segregation in what is now a stronghold of fascism: Gujarat.
Unending Disaster: Sindh’s Hamal Lake Submerges Surrounding Villages
Dispatches on the ongoing crisis from the flooding of Sindh’s second-largest lake.
Escaping the Flood: Glimpses from Life in Rural Sindh
A photo-essay showing the impact of the 2022 floods on the people of Sindh, Pakistan.
Colonial Amnesia and Imperialism in Afghanistan
Western tendencies to either forget Afghanistan or to lament the state of affairs is ahistorical and based on systematic colonial amnesia.
Afghanistan One Year On
An assessment of the Taliban victory and governance in Afghanistan since the withdrawal of US troops in August 2021.
Rural Emancipation in South Asia Today
A reflection on the several faultlines that need addressing to further emancipatory politics in South Asia’s countryside.