Imperialisms in Our Time: Making Sense of “Chinese Characteristics”
Is it time for the Pakistani Left to start talking about Chinese “imperialism”?
Land Reforms Are Dead, Long Live Land Reforms: Thoughts on Land Struggles in Pakistan
By juxtaposing communist-led land-to-the-tiller struggles in 1970s Pakistan with current movements against real-estatization, we see the prospects and limits of redistributive land politics.
Labour in Karachi’s Fast Fashion Industry
Fawad Hasan interviews labour organizer Yaseen Jhullan on the issues and demands of garment workers in Karachi.
Comrade Abdul Majid: Fragments from a Revolutionary Life
Recovering the memory of a forgotten pioneer of the communist movement in undivided India.
The Caricatured Bengali & the Pakistan Army
A look at the racist beliefs about Bengalis peddled privately and publicly by Pakistani military officials in the lead up to 1971.
Frontier Fantasies: Encounters with Xinjiang in Gilgit-Baltistan
A travelogue along the Karakoram Highway exploring the relationship of Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan territory with China’s Xinjiang province, home to the persecuted Uyghurs.
Cyclone Bhola: The Disaster That Re-Made South Asia
The cyclone in 1970, though not always recognized, was instrumental in the independence of Bangladesh.
Birds of Paradise
Three captivating short stories on the Bangladesh Freedom Struggle that vividly capture the disruption and outbreak of violence during the period.
Afghan Labour, Colonial Borders: Regulating Migration in British and Princely India
Colonial India depended on Afghan migrant labour, at the same time as it regulated and expelled them in its border-making projects.
Degrowth Remains a Slogan
Though illuminating key debates, Jason Hickel’s recent case for degrowth falls short of its global objective – with not enough to offer regions like South Asia.
Art Against Imperialism in ’80s Pakistan: A Photo Essay
Pakistani leftist artists were not only opposing Zia-ul-Haq’s military rule but also challenging similar US-backed dictatorships around the world.
Manufacturing Soldiers
In a book that breaks new ground in scholarship on Pakistani militarism, Maria Rashid explores how the Pakistan Army manages emotions like grief, pride and fear among foot soldiers and their families.