Sri Lanka’s Care Crisis
Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has quietly devastated the lives of children, the disabled, the elderly, and their caretakers.
Editorial: For Palestine
For Palestine: Our Shared History of Colonialism, Occupation, Genocide and Solidarity
“Remember the Dead, Fight For the Living”
Interview with labour activist Taslima Akhter on garment workers’ struggles in ten years since the Rana Plaza tragedy.
COVID-19 Exposes Faultlines in Sri Lanka’s Apparels Sector
The global pandemic and the national debt crisis collided to expose the claims of ethical garment production in Sri Lanka.
Domestic Defiance: On Pakistan’s First Trade Union Federation for Home-Based Workers
A conversation with Zehra Khan, a trade unionist and founder of Pakistan’s first trade union for home-based women workers.
Labour Qaumi Movement: Organizing at the Margins of the 21st Century Workforce
Tracing the evolution of one of Pakistan’s most successful textile labour unions through radical action against the united onslaught of state and capital.
Fighting the Sweatshop Regime: A Conversation with Alessandra Mezzadri
The sweatshop regime will only be dismantled by mobilizing around—and transforming—work-spaces, life-spaces, and workers’ health in a holistic sense.
You Are Not Welcome Here: Race and Hostility in Britain’s Fast Fashion Industry
South Asian garment workers in Leicester are resisting precarity and institutionalised racism in Britain’s ‘hostile environment’ for immigrants.
مزاحمت کا ایک لازوال کردار: نامور محقق اور تاریخ نویس گل حسن کلمتی
ل حسن کلمتی ۲۰۲۳۔۱۹۵۷ نے اپنی زندگی سندھ کی دھرتی اور اس کے باسیوں کے لئے وقف کر کے عوام دوست علم و فکر اور سیاسی جدوجہد کی عظیم میراث قائم کی
A Life of Resistance: Activist-Historian Gul Hassan Kalmati
Gul Hassan Kalamati (1957-2023) leaves behind a formidable legacy of public scholarship and political struggle for the people, ecologies, and indigenous communities of Sindh
The Toronto Morcha: International Students Halt Deportations to India
In Toronto, international students from east Punjab (India) successfully halted deportations with a 24/7 sit-in, one that drew inspiration from Sikhi and histories of South Asian mobilization.
Resurgent Military Authoritarianism in Pakistan
Jamhoor’s editorial on the latest crackdown on political dissidents in Pakistan.