A Populist Left Victory in Sri Lanka
Can the NPP confront its past and present to build a radical program?
The Prisoners in Bangladesh’s Backyard
The Rohingya will be the litmus test for a “new” Bangladesh’s progressive ideals.
The Colonial Roots of Sri Lanka’s Tax Regime
Interrogating colonial and neoliberal fiscal policy to chart a path out of underdevelopment.
200 Years of Malaiyaha Tamil Labour in Sri Lanka
A brief history of 200 years of involuntary migration, imposed statelessness, exploitation and marginalization of Upcountry or Malaiyaha Tamil tea plantation workers.
For Palestinian Martyrs: Urdu Literature and Palestinian Resistance
Marxist, feminist, and anti-imperialist Urdu writers associated with literary progressivism in South Asia have long written of Palestinian resistance. Their solidarity can guide us today as we try to learn once again, together, from the liberation struggles that are moving us towards a new world.
The Afghan Question and the Contradictions of Pakistani Identity
Recent deportations of Afghan refugees reveal the historical contradictions of citizenship and national identity in Pakistan.
फिलिस्तीन पर ध्रुवीकरण : मोदी के भारत में तीसरी दुनिया की एकता के खिलाफ हिन्दुत्ववादी जियानवादी गठजोड़
ऐसे समय में जबकि भारत की उत्तर साम्राज्यवादी देशों की वैश्विक एकजुटता नीति को छोड़ कर मोदी इसराइल के साथी बन रहे हैं - जिसने फिलिस्तीनी मजदूरों को हटा 100000 भारतीय मजदूरों को वहाँ भेजने के लिए कहा है - भारत का कामगार तबका और छात्र आन्दोलन फिलिस्तीन के प्रति अपना समर्थन दोहराते हैं |
Indo-Soviet Cinema and Socialist Internationalism
For Indian and Soviet filmmakers of the 1950s and 1960s, cinema emerged as a site to forge a hopeful, if tenuous, ethos of socialist internationalism.
On Punjab: An Interview with Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali discusses the place of Punjab — its partition, its politicians and activists, and its poetry and languages — in the history of the subcontinent.
America, The Rogue
America’s unequivocal support for Israel stems from its legacy of imperialist interventions and war crimes in the Global South.
Polarized on Palestine: Hindutva-Zionism Against Third World Solidarity in Modi’s India
While Modi departs from India’s past anti-colonial solidarities to ally with Israel — which has asked for 100,000 workers to replace Palestinians — India’s working-class and student movements reaffirm their support for Palestine
Labour Qaumi Movement: Organizing at the Margins of the 21st Century Workforce
Tracing the evolution of one of Pakistan’s most successful textile labour unions through radical action against the united onslaught of state and capital.