Eqbal Ahmad for a Time of Monsters
On the duty of intellectuals in this era of authoritarianism, genocide and pacifist pathologies
From the Barrel of a Gun? Maoist Debates in Pakistan
The Mazdoor Kisan Party’s debate on armed struggle and electoral politics as political strategies
Siraj Sikder: A Legacy of Freedom
Siraj Sikder and Sarbahara Party’s violent yet emancipatory struggles hold key lessons for Bangladesh and its post-authoritarian future.
The Stubborn Hope for Peace at the Pashtun National Jirga
A report from the 2024 Pashtun National Jirga.
The Student Intifada: Palestine, South Asia and the Question of Solidarity
A roundtable with student organizers from the Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Toronto, and Oxford encampments.
For Palestinian Martyrs: Urdu Literature and Palestinian Resistance
Marxist, feminist, and anti-imperialist Urdu writers associated with literary progressivism in South Asia have long written of Palestinian resistance. Their solidarity can guide us today as we try to learn once again, together, from the liberation struggles that are moving us towards a new world.
फिलिस्तीन पर ध्रुवीकरण : मोदी के भारत में तीसरी दुनिया की एकता के खिलाफ हिन्दुत्ववादी जियानवादी गठजोड़
ऐसे समय में जबकि भारत की उत्तर साम्राज्यवादी देशों की वैश्विक एकजुटता नीति को छोड़ कर मोदी इसराइल के साथी बन रहे हैं - जिसने फिलिस्तीनी मजदूरों को हटा 100000 भारतीय मजदूरों को वहाँ भेजने के लिए कहा है - भारत का कामगार तबका और छात्र आन्दोलन फिलिस्तीन के प्रति अपना समर्थन दोहराते हैं |
America, The Rogue
America’s unequivocal support for Israel stems from its legacy of imperialist interventions and war crimes in the Global South.
Polarized on Palestine: Hindutva-Zionism Against Third World Solidarity in Modi’s India
While Modi departs from India’s past anti-colonial solidarities to ally with Israel — which has asked for 100,000 workers to replace Palestinians — India’s working-class and student movements reaffirm their support for Palestine
Sri Lanka’s Care Crisis
Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has quietly devastated the lives of children, the disabled, the elderly, and their caretakers.
21st Century Imperialism: A Debate Within the Pakistani Left - (Part 2)
Part 2 of our two part discussion with leaders of Pakistan’s three major leftist parties – Aasim Sajjad Akhtar (Awami Workers’ Party), Ammar Ali Jan (Haqooq-e-Khalq Party) and Syed Azeem (Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party).
21st Century Imperialism: A Debate Within the Pakistani Left - (Part 1)
The Jamhoor team got together with Aasim Sajjad Akhtar (Awami Workers’ Party), Ammar Ali Jan (Haqooq-e-Khalq Party) and Syed Azeem (Mazdoor Kissan Party) to think about the challenges and opportunities the Pakistani left faces within the current political and economic conjuncture.