Siraj Sikder: A Legacy of Freedom
Siraj Sikder and Sarbahara Party’s violent yet emancipatory struggles hold key lessons for Bangladesh and its post-authoritarian future.
War and Armed Resistance in Sri Lanka
On the Tamil Eelam Right to Self-Determination and Peace in the Indian Ocean.
“Nothing Less than Decolonization”: The Baloch National Struggle
An interview with veteran militant intellectual Mir Muhammad Ali Talpur, and an anonymous activist
A Populist Left Victory in Sri Lanka
Can the NPP confront its past and present to build a radical program?
The Stubborn Hope for Peace at the Pashtun National Jirga
A report from the 2024 Pashtun National Jirga.
The Prisoners in Bangladesh’s Backyard
The Rohingya will be the litmus test for a “new” Bangladesh’s progressive ideals.
Afghan Refugees and the Left in Sindh [Urdu]
افغان مہاجرین اور پناہگزین کا سوال سندھ کے بائیں بازو، ترقی پسند اور قوم پرست تنظیموں کے لئے سوالیہ نشان ہے
Afghan Refugees and the Left in Sindh [English]
The question of Afghan migrants is a test case for Sindh’s Left, progressive, and nationalist groups.
Voices of Baloch Nationalism: A Conversation with Mahrang Baloch
Jamhoor spoke with renowned activist Dr. Mahrang Baloch on the latest upsurge in the Baloch national struggle, as well as the Pakistani Left and the country’s growing feminist movement.
The Afghan Question and the Contradictions of Pakistani Identity
Recent deportations of Afghan refugees reveal the historical contradictions of citizenship and national identity in Pakistan.
On Punjab: An Interview with Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali discusses the place of Punjab — its partition, its politicians and activists, and its poetry and languages — in the history of the subcontinent.